
Sun-Young Gullery is originally from Cleveland Heights, Ohio and now lives in Indianapolis, Indiana where she teaches 2-dimensional art at the high school level. Throughout her artistic career, Gullery has exhibited influence from her Japanese-American background. Each body of work, although they may be different, focuses on minimalism and simple aspects of life.


Gullery's current body of work is a throwback to her pointillism series from early 2023. Using thousands of tiny painted dots, she creates ethereal floral paintings of large scale. 


Inspired by minimalism, this body of work includes still lifes that celebrate the calm we feel when we are in a simple space. As an homage to her heritage, she incorporates designs from ancient Japanese pottery in many paintings. The thinly glazed oil paint allows for obvious texture and depth in each still life.

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Email: sunyounggullery@gmail.com

Instagram: gullerygallery

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